Hartstown Local Centre

Stephen Cummins

Hartstown Centre provides supports for adults with disabilities in accordance with their needs, wishes, hopes, and aspirations. We are based in Dublin 15 and operate hubs within the community. Person Centered Planning is embedded in the culture of our centre enabling adults to set goal which leads to living a self-directed life.

We support the adults who attend Hartstown to be active citizen building on community participation and inclusion.  Adults are supported to have valued social roles and to make informed choices about their own future.  We encourage adults to experience positive risk taking.

There is a strong emphasis on advocacy where adults can join the Hartstown local advocacy group.  There has been collaborative work with community our partners such as Blanchardstown Independent, Fingal County Council and local politicians. Adults are actively involved in addressing issues such as access to communities, facilities and society and human rights. Adults are active members of external committees such as the National Changing places and Disability Federation of Ireland. One of our adults is Chairperson of the Adults Service Council.  We create opportunities for further education, independent living skills, and leisure opportunities.  Adults are encouraged to enjoy their creative side, through the media of art, photography, drama, dance, Horticulture and music.  Social integration in communities is of high importance where people get opportunities to contribute and stay connected.  Hartstown has recently won the Irish Health Care Award 2022.  

How to Apply

The CRC receive referrals from the HSE Occupational Guidance, Adult Day and Rehabilitative Training Services.