Clontarf Local Centre

Elizabeth Plunkett

Clontarf Centre provides supports for adults with disabilities in accordance with their wishes, hopes, dreams and aspirations. We are based in Dublin 3 and have hubs within the community. The team support adults to be active citizens building on community participation and inclusion.  Person Centered Planning in embedded in the culture of our centre, which enables adults to grow and develop meaningful goals. There is a focus on advocacy, and we have our local advocacy meetings and group.  We have an adult who is a representative on the Adult Service Council which meets once a month. 

There is a strong emphasis on supporting individuals in decision making that is in line with their will and preference.   We create opportunities for further education, independent living skills, and leisure opportunities.  Adults are encouraged to enjoy their creative side, through the media of art, photography, drama, dance, drumming and music.  Social integration in communities is of high importance where people get opportunities to contribute and stay connected. 


How to Apply

The CRC receive referrals from the HSE Occupational Guidance, Adult Day and Rehabilitative Training Services.